Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

1)ireElions for yom~ ["rifoam. 47 §. 6. And Mirlillers are not fet up only for publick._ Pttachi:ng, but for. private. cottnfil alfo, acco~d- :tccfla nowh ing to our particular needs. As Phyftcion~ are not. only to re~d you ml~ruc'bons f?r the dyer_111g ~i~l~e·~1~;:a~f and curing of your felves, but to be prefent m your_ {,ckne[s to _duetbyou m the parucular apphca- the ud;, 11 s tion of remedies: And as Lawyers are to affift you m yo~r parncular :afcs to free your cOates fror~ convcrlion encumbrances, and p(efcrve or nfcuc them from conrcntwus men. <-:hoof~ thcrefor~ Come able~~- rh1t thc1r . nifier ro be your ordinary CoHn[tUor in _the mat~~rsof God._ .And let hun be one that lS h~tmbk,faJ.tb- ~;a~~~~r ~:~ ful, cxperienccd and Ik}lful, that hath lcJfure, abd1ty, aud WJUmgnefs to arfjfi you. ings, anti fby . not till they well :z.cqu:~oint(d with the people; and th1t rhe B::::!~t"' ~~C' o( the fllne temp~_r :- Ha:_c u.nu_claks ~n an:nnrum, ut f:ltts d::-plou.ri r:o:'l pollit; Nihil SacerdosChriHi prx~lari _pro6cict ~n falutr I~d_oJUm, fine fa~1diari & h_onunum & rerum th.ot1t1a. l..t:C.Jo• .p. ~9>· Sunt aurem multi q;.~i injunfrr- mun!rf cop10fe fe famf.1cerc ext!hm~m , Orauo.nrm clomuucam &: fymbolum & falutauoncm lol'~.:hcam, turn prxcepu deca\ogi l \;m. ~diomite id(ntidem Indis ruirante~, c~run_t wfltm~ h~ptt7lntcs, mor:uos ftJ)t.'!Jenrn, mltnm~mio juv~nes collocantc•, & rem_ f:~CI .... l fc(hs diebus facientcs--Neque confctcnw, quJn_I uun:uncJutc:ra.Jt;uu non habe.1m, mordm.ur quod difpcrfx ftm o~·es dommi,&&. c. 7· p. 373· 9· 7· As Infants in a family arc unable t.o help themfelvcs, ancl need the continual help of others, and therefore God hath put into the hearts of Parents a fpec1al Love to them, ro make themdili– gent and pJtient in helping them; fo is it in the family of Chrill: Moll Chcifiians (by far) are young or weak, in underfbnding and m grace: It 1~ long before you wdl be p1.H the n.eed of others help ( ifevu, in this life. ) If youfrel not this yom infirmity and need, ic is fo mu~h the greatel\ God will have no men to be felf-fufficient : we {hall all have need of one anorher, thar we may be ufeful to one another; and God may ufe us as his meffengers imd inHruments ofconveying his mer– cies to each other; and thaceven felf-lovc may help us eo be fociable, and tO love one another ~' And our fouls mufi receive their part ofmercy, by this way of communication, as well as: our bo... dies: And therefore, as the poor above all .men, lhould not be againfi charity and comomnicaring, that need it mo!l; fo young Chrifiians that are weak and unexperienced, above all others, fhould be mofi defirousflf help, efpecially from an able faithful guide. 9-· ~. But be fure you deal fincercly, and cheat not your [elves, by deceiving your counfdlor, and hiding your cafe. To do fo by your Lawyer, is the way to lofe your fuit ; And to do fo by your Fhyficion is the way to lofe your life: And to do [o with your Pallor, and foul-counfellor is rhc way to lofe your fouls. And let the judgement of your Pallor or judicious friend about the fiate of your fouls, he much regarded by you, though it be not infallible. How fu fuch muft be trufied, I am afterward to open ~o you, with other of your d\lties belongin.g to ~o1,1 i~this Rduiou. I now only proceed to General PireCl. 8. ·KEep right apprchenfiont of the exceDency ofCharity and 7Jnity among belie;m, and D · c{/. s, • . receive nothi~g hafli/y that i1 ag~injl t?em ; e[peciaUy talze heed ~rjl under pretence oftheir A~~mi!U11 ~. Authorzty, tMzr Number, thezr Soundnejs; or thczr HDlzncfi~ yo" 109 much add,fl your {elves tfJ any Sell chati:l.~lcncb or Party, to the withdr..1wing ofyour fpecial Love andjufl Communion from other Cbrijfi4nJ, and turning and Sch1fm. your Zeal to tbe interejl of your Party, with a neglet:i of t~e common interejl of the Church ; Em Love e~ ~c= 1110~~ Ill Chriftian araChriflism,andpromott the V»ily aud welfar~ of them aU. um. :z. ~ ~· ~· Ufeofte~toread and wd!c~mfider rh: meaning and reafon of thofemany urgent paffages,Utr?mq; fm~ m Scn~ture, wh1ch exhort all Chnfi~ans toVmty and Love. Such as John r r: 52. & 17·1 r,21,22,23·. ~;b~~~~~ti~ni. I Cor.:)" 10. 17. & 12· throut;hout . 2 Cor. 13. I r. I 1hcff. 5· 12, 13. Ph,/. 2· r, 2, 3· I Pet. 3· g. & l'ontifici– Rom. I~· 17· 1 Cor. I· to.& 3· 3· & I I· 18. And John 13· 35· Rom. 12. 9, '"· & 13· ro. 2 Cor. um orcum d1: 13·11· Ga/.5.6, 13,22. Co/.J,4• ITheff.4·9· 1john3.1I, 14,23. 6·4·7, II,16 I9 20 21 ex cliOiJtis d~ Surety if the: very Iite of Godlinefs Jay not much in Vt~ity and Love, we lhould t10Yer ha~e had fuch do8:r~nl. ~ words fpoken o~ it, as here yo~ find. Love is to the foul, as our Nat1eral heat is ta the Body; whac- ~~~ ~i·~~~ ever dellroyet? zt, de{hoyeth Life; and thertfore cannot be for our good. Be certain, that opinion.; nrx dl:nt courfe or mouon ten~s ro deatb, that ten9s to abateyour Love to your Brethren, mw;:h more which Ecclcfi~--- & under pretence of zeal, provoketh you to btlte and hurt them. To Divide the ~ody, is rp k.j/1 it or. h:c.: varicm to r:n~im ~t : Dividing the effential necdTary parts, is kiUing it : Cutting off any integral part, is ~~ut:i~~~~: malmHtg tt•. The firji can never be an ad: of friendjhip, _wluch is the warjt that an enemy can do : tarwnc.~ & !he [tcond H never an aCt of friendfhip, bur when the cutting off a membe~ which may b.e fpared oJ1um Rd-.:. JS of abfi,lute_ n~ceffity to thefaving of the whole man, from the worfc divition between foul and gionisCh·J– body. By th1s Judge what friends Dividers are to the Church and how well they afe a'ccpteJ ldfJ:tn:raccrn-_ of God. ' ~rt:t, &.l)JI- §. 2· He that Ioveth a~y Chrillian aright, mull needs love all that appear to him as Chri(liao$ ; And ~{f:;:~~;:.t!a w~e~ malice will not futfer men_t~ fee Chrijiianity i_P irs ._profe!fion, and crcdiblr ~ppear.wce in another, M:lanm~. Ep. t~1s 1s as wel! contrary to Chnthan_Love, as !JatJng kHn when _you l{_nqw hzm to be a true Chri ~j;;:.~·(~:to,:is. fhan. _Cenfor~oufiuf.r ( not confiramed by )Ut~ cvtdence ) 1s COlH~ary m LtrJe , a$ wdl as · ' hatred ts. 9· 3· There is_~ Vnion a~d Communio~ with Chrijlia~s as fuch: Thts €Onfifieth in having nne God, one J:lead, one Spmt, ~ne Fatth, one Bapti{mal Covenant, o~c. Kule ?f holy livmg, and in loving ant! praymg for o:ll) and domg good to as many as we car.z~ Th1s IS aV mmand CtJnmlHJ)jon ofMind which H . , . ":'~