Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

J A Chrifiian Direfrory • • Or, A SUM M of PRACTICAL THEOLOGIE; AND c- A s E .s OF CONSCIENCE. Directing Chriil:ians, how to VS E their ,K.._norvledge and Faith ; How to impro)Je all Helps and Meam, and to Perform all Dt~ties; How to 01Jer, come Temptations, and to efcape or mortifie every Sin. In Four Tarts, I. CHRISTIAN ETHICKS (orprivateDuties.) II. CHRIS1'1A;. OEcONOM.tCKS (orFamilyDuties.) Ill. CHR!51'IAN EccLESJAST!CKS (orChurchDuties.) I V. CH R1s 1' 1AN P o L1 TIcKS (or Duties to our Rulers and Neighbours.) By RI c H A R D BA X T E R. 0 Mal. 2· 7• 8. 'ihe Pricjh lipr fhouldk.fep Knowledge, ad they fhould foek. the Law at hir mouth; for be ir tht m!Jftng<r ofthe Lord of Hojl1. But ye are depa;ted outof the way : Te have Caujid many 10 jlumble at the Law; ye have corrupted the Covenant of LevtMatth. 13. 52· Every SCRIBE which is inftrulied •nto the Kingdom of Heaven, is li~ unto a man that i1 aJz Houjholdtr, which bringrthforth out of hi1 Treafure thingr New and Old. Heb. 5· 13, 14• For every one that u{eth Milk.. is umk,jlfuli~t the Wortl of Righwmfmfs: for lu ir a Babt: But jlrong meat belo~tgtth to them that are of fuU age: 'ihoji who by reafon of VS E, ba"e thtir fenjir cx– crciftd to difcern botiJGood and Evil. 2 Tim.2.I4,15,16. O[the{t tbingiput them in rcmtmbrtJnce; charging tiJfm btforr God, that they STRIVE ~tot about rY0 R DS, to noprofit, but to tbt [ubvertin7, ~f the Hearer1: St,dy to fhew thy ftlf approved V N 10 G0 D, • Work,_ma11 that nttdeth not 10 bt ajhamed, R. I G H1 LT D I V1 DING the word of Truth. But fhun pro[a1tt and vaiH Babling1 ; for tbty wiU increa[t unto more Vngod/ineji a 11 d their 1Yord wiU eat ar t:Wtb a C:J.nkJr. , 2 Per. 3· 16. In which (Pauls Epijll£1) are fome thingr bard to be uJtdtrjlood: which they tlm are unlearned a1,d un{hble wreft, aJ they do alfo t!Jt other Scriptures to their own dejiruUion. L 0 :1\(V 0 :J\(, Printed, by ~bert White, tor Ne)lill Simmons , at the Sign of the Princes .Arms in . S'· Pauls Church-yard. 1 67 3·