Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

I>ireElions for yow;g ["rijliims. ·~re tend rlut :hey are wijir and of j7mnder judgement tha~ aB the Chriflian World befides: yea, thofe that mofi pllpably contradict the Scnptures, (as the Papdls m tbeu half·comrnumon and unmrelh– gib!e (crvict) and have no better reafon why they will Co Bdieve or Do, but becaufeothers have fo Btlievtd and Donealready. But 1• The greatefl: pretenders to Orthodoxne[s, are not the moll Orthodox : 2. And ifthey were., 1can value them for that in which they excell, without abating my due refpcct to the refi of the Church. 3. For the .,bole Chttrch is Orthodox in all the Effintials of Cbriftianity ; or elfe they were not Cbrijl-i.z.11: And I mufi love aU that are Cbriftians with thatJPecial Lovt that's due tO the memberS of Chri£1, though I mull fuperadd fuch elleem for thoCe that are a little wifer or better than others, as they defcryc. 9. 7. The fourth pretence for Schifm, is the Holinefs of the plrty th~t men adhere to. But this mufi make but a gradual difference in our tfttem and love to fome Chr1fhans above others: If really they are mojl Holy, I mull ~ovc themmojf, and labour to be_a~ Holy as they : But I mufinot there~ fore unjufily deny commumon or due refpect to other Chnfltans that are lifi holy : nor cleave to them as a Seli or divided party whmn I efieem moll holy. For the holil{lare moftcharittJble, and mofi: ·againfi the divifionsamo~g C_hrifiian.s, and t~derefi of their.~nity and Peact. . . ~· 8. The fumm of th1s Dtrdfion. ts : I· H1ghly value Cbrifttan Love and Vmty: 2· Love thofc mofr that are moll Holy, and be moft familiar with them for your own edification : and if you have ymr cboice, hold local perfonal communion, with the foundefi , pur!?fi and befi qualified Church. 3· But entertain not haliily any odd opinion of a divided party: or if you do hold it as an opinion, Jay nor greater weight on it, than there is caufe. 4· Own the bell as beH, but none as adivided SeD; and cfpoufe not their dividing interefi. 5· Confine not your fpccial Love to a party, efpecially for agrcLing in fome opinions with you : but extend it to all the members of Chrifi. 6. Deny not local communion, when there is 9ccalion for it, to any Church (hat hath the fubfiance of tf"ue Woriliip, and forced) you not to fin. 7· Love them as true Chrifiians and Churches, even when they thus drive you from their communion. 9· 9· It is a moll dangerous thing to a young Convert, to be enfnared in a Seer: It will before you are aware, poffcfs you with a fcavoriih linful Zeal, for the Opinio,ns and intcrells of that ?ed: It will make you bold in bitterinvcd:ives and cenfures againfi thofe that differ from them : It will cor~ rupt your Church-communion, and fill your very prayers with partiality and humane paffions: It will fecretly bring malice under the name of Zeal, into your minds and words : In a word, it is a fecret; .but deadly C11cmy to Chrifiian Love and Peace. Let them that are wifer and more Orthodox and Godly than otheTs, Chew it as the Holy Ghofi Uirc8:cth them: ]ames 3· 13, 14, 15, I6,17, 18. [ Wb 11 Ua wife man, and endued with ~nowlcdge anumg youl Let himjherv out of a good converfation, hH work.! rvith meek..nrf.r of wifdom. But ifye have hitter envying (or ze&l) andftrife in your hearts, glory not and lie not againjl the truth : This wifdom dc[cendeth not from "hove, but is eartbly, [tnjital, divelijh : For where env)'ing and (lrife is, tbere is confufion (or tumHit) and every evil wor"-; Eut the wifdom that i1 from above, is firfi.Pure, thm Peaceable, gentlt, eafie to be intreated, fuU of mercy and good fruiu, without parti:Jlity ( or wrangling ) and without hypocrific.. And tbe fruit of righteoufoef.r isfown ;,; peace qf tbem t!Jal mal;s peace. ] p~rc:ct. 9· TAk.! heed left an~ per[eciJtiM er ~rong from otherr, ~rovoJ.te you to ciny tmn>:zrr:mtable paffionr and pralltcu, and depnve you of the Charily, meel(.ne[r and innocwcy of .;. Cbrijlian; or mak,.e _y~u go bc)'O'Hd your boundr, in ctnfuring, reviling , or reftjiing your Rulers, wbo are tht Officers of God. 49 §. r. Perfecution and wrongs are called Temptatio~ in Scripture, becaufe they try you, whether whtnthc Ar-_ you will hold your integrity. As many fall in fuch trya1s through the fear of men, and the love 0 [ri:2x Bifkops the world and their profperity ; fo when you feem moll confirmed againet any rinful corilplyance, there had made is a fnare laid for you on the other fide, to draw you into paffions and praClices that are unwar~ ~~~;~:c~~t ran'tabletht Orthodox turned the, . ij>ur~tion _into popula~ clamour, :md were ;tgainft the ~ing, he ~orbad t_hcm to meet, or to bJptize or orJaitt, ~nd turn:l~fio~~~edfa~!~ Uws ;~gamft them whtch had bten made ·agamft the Arruw. Vtllor. um. p. '14 7, 4 4 8. Thofc that are tainted ":ith Pride, Vncharitabl;ntfs and Schifm, will itch to be perCecuting tho(e that comply not with them tP thmway: And yet while they do it, they will moll cry out againtl Pnde, Vncharttab/eneji and Schifm themfelves. Thts ts, .and hatb been, and sriU. be too ordinary in the world : You may think that Schifm lhould be far from them that feem to do all for Order and Vnity. But never look to fee this generally cured, when you have faid and done the bell you can: you mufi therefore refolve not only to fly fr~m Church divifion your felves, but alfo to undergo the p:_rfetutJonsor wrongs ofProud or Zealous ~h~rch-dtvtders. It IS great weaknefs in yoU tO think fucti utage firangc : Do y_ou,not kno\Y ~hat Enmuy ts put from the beginning between the:: wornans. and the Serpents feed. And do you thmk thename or dead profef!ion of Cbrijlianity doth extingui£1!. the H 2 '"mitj