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(137) Fulk on Rhea% ream. in Math. 25. Sell 1,2. Rom. t. Set7.4. I Cor. 3. Seri. 2. 2 Cor. I. Seel. r. 2 Tim. 4.3eff.4. Luk,,. 20. Sett. t. fieb.13. Sell. 8. Col.'. Sea. 2. 2 Thef. 1. Sen. 52. Apoc. 3. Set7. 2. 15. Mornatis Pleffiacto of the Mafs, lib. 3. cap. 16,17,18,19, 20, 214'01. CO 388. 16. Sadeel adverf. hainsan.fatkfallion. pag. 201. Et per tot. et,de uncio chriftifacrificio contra iniffam per totem : Et adverftee monachos Bordegalenfes pafrim. 17. Camero joperumGeno. edit.fol. )pag. 46. 47. 44. 170.616. 847. 18. Voirius Thef: de operant meritk edit. axonienf: peg. 65. d- felment. 19. Scultetus Medulla Patrum pag. 1201. iss oper. 20. Johan. Crocius, de ?uftificat. Difinit. 5. 0 7,8, 9, & Io. per totas. 2I. Guilielm. Rivet, de 7isflificat. Vindic. pag. 260, 261. &c. 22. Sam. Marefius, Colleg. Theolog. pag. 298, 299, &c. Idea Exegef. Catech.p. 344. fully. 23. Altingius, Problem. Theolog. pag.2 10,2 I 1, 2 I 2. ldemex- plicat. Catech. pag. 298. Idea Loc. Ccmmun. part. I. 236. & part. 2.689. Sec. 24. Cloppenburgius, Syntagm. feleff. Difput. pg. 53o 531. 25. Pernble of 7agification See. 2. capel, If I thought there were not enough or that number would fatisfie, I would fo far conquer my impatiency as to add the like 'from Luther, Melanahon many Churches Confefsions Bucer, Martyr, Ballinger MufculPu , Zuinglim , wiganclus, Hemrningius, Hunnim, Brochmowl, Polantss,Wallaw, ePolyander, Thyfius,Trelcatius,Lasirentim, Riviau, Molinok rriglandirds, Grynxiss, Dancrus,Pifi-ator,Vrfine, qualter, Lud. Crocius , Conc. Bergius, Gomarrus Paulus Ferri:a, Sharpim, &xi, &C. Car-t- ut-ix-ht., Whitaker, Rrignolds, Tirirs, Field , with multitudes more, who all affirm that the Papifts do hold that Dotirine of merits, which as to the name and thing, I do conflantly difclaim. Thefe that I have named, I have not only Peen and known that they fo fpeak, but have them at hand by rue to cite,were it ufeful, (all lave one or two) with many more. SECT,