Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

7 ), ration e falive, but why dowe flrive about words ? You do not exclude works jxf$ifjing, as well as faith,- let the rxpreflions be what They will. Whereas Paul faith, he wouldbefound ha- ving the Righteot fnefs n hch is byfaith,you will add, and Wh ch is by love, by Zeal. 2. You defire it to be proved, tl-at Paul exclude' all works under any notion ; I think its very eafily done : F,rtl, becaufe of the immediate oppoft ion between hand Woiks; now you will contradict Paull Argument, and give a tern :um, works that are of Grace. But the Apoftles oppofition is fo immediate here and inother places, between faith and any thing of ours , that he admits of no medium. 2. He inftances in Abrahams works, and excludes them: now were Abraham" works, works done by the meer ftrength of the Law ? Did not Abrahams Obedience and other works flow from Grace ? Were Abrahams works in oppofition to Chrift ? Yet even thefe are excluded. 3. He excludes all works under any notion by the oppofition, juftifying, covering, all is wholly attributed unto God. 4. The Affertion is univerfal : The Apollie faith, with. outworks in general, ver. 6. And he works not, ver. S, Laftly, By the teftimony he brings from the Pfalmift, that bleffednefs is where fin is not imputed, whrere it isforgiven ; Thefe rea- Ions do evidence that he excludes works under all notions in the act of Jutlification, thoughnot from the perfon juftífied.3. You fay, boW thenfaith James true ? But I ask, if there be juftifying workç, how faithPaul true? But again, James faith tine for this faithwhich in refpeâ of its aft ad intra, doth only juftifie, yet it works adextra. The old Affertion is fides qui viva, not qui viva. You (peak of a teeming Antilogie among the or- thodox in this reconciliation, but though all gonot eademfemi- tá, yet they do eaáem viâ againtt works under any notion whatfoever in the aâ ofJuftification. 4. You argue that faith as an Inflrument is excluded. Thus Bellarmine alto, apprehen- dere eft vim, therefore faith is excluded : But non fequitur Faith is pafliive in its Inftrumentality and although tobelieve, be a Grammatical, its verbssìsr-g 1 ivtam, yet its phyfic e, or Vsrtipounrsì pafve. A man by believing, doth not operan but recipere As viáere, atadire,areGrammatical aîtions, but Phjjical or natural parsons m now youcannotfay thus of theexercifes of other