Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

pleafe, doas much to procure aTitle to it, as that whichbath the neareft phyfical refpect to it. As if you have a deed of Gift of a Countrey onCondition you will difcover a Traitor, . or ma.rry one that oweth it : here thealien act bath more inte- reft inprocuringyour Title, then your Apprehending, or tread- ing on the foil,or takingpoffefion,yea or accepting the deed of Gift it felf. So God bath madeour Accepting of whole Chrift . tobe theconditionof life and pardon ; andconfequently, the Accepting him in other Relations ( in which he delroyeth fin, advataceth God, erc.) doth as much to. our Juttificati- on as the accepting him at our Ranfome. Now toMr. Slakes. Reafons : when he faith that this d in- Ilion wield , pats every where elfe at neceffary,he is muchmiff en: for ache doth not tell us at all what fort of diftinction it is, whe- ther Realit, Rttio»it., Modslit Formali:, Virtualit, &c. fo I could give him an hundred intkances in which it will not pafs in any tolerable fenfe , but what are his own felect inftances from a mans various Relations to the variety of his actions end their effects. But is it Chrift or the believer that you put in thefevarious Relations ? Its plain that you mean Chrift : But thats nothing to the queftion : I maintain as well as you that. Chrift performeth variety of works, according to the divers partsof his office, and that he meritethnet Juftification as King,, but as, a Sacrifice ; as he effectively juftiffieth, not as a facrifice, but as a King; and he teacheth as a Teacher, &c. this was never denyed by me. But the queftion iswhether the Intereft of the feveral acts of our faith be accordingly diûinct ? which I deny, and confidentlydeny. In the works that Chrift cloth in thefe feverai Relations,, there is diflinctio reali:, and Chrift is the proper efficient caufe of them. But though our faith muff accept Chrift inall thefe Relations, and todo the feveral works in the feveral Relations, yet it is no proper caufe of the effects, and ( as I raid ).the intereit it bath in the procurement is meerly moral , and that but of a condition, and therefore it is tobe judgedof by the will of the Donor. But you fay that [ only they that come, to Chrifias a?hyjician are caredby him -I Repl. Very true :,1 never denyed it. But not only By coming to him as a Phyjtsan; efpecially as_the Worker ofthisone part of the cure,- You