Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[Io2j 7. And When they are fo" Fafious and Schif- matical, as that their Preaching and Conference tendeth to render other good Chriftians odious, and fret up men to hate, perfecute, or feparate from then, and fo to deftroy true Love and Concord. In any of there cafes when the people or part of them are deprived of' that Paftoral helps which their neceffity requireth, and God comm- andeth, they may leek it where they can beft have it. LXIII. In all there cafes it is an unfatisfac`fiory Aniwer to tell them that Religion is Dept tip in the land, and that other pe fens or Farfhes have What they want, or that Order and Obedience muhli be preferred to their fiapply, or that God 'can fave them without a Paffor, &c. For fo God can fave the Heathen world without the G of gel Preached if hepleafe And fo youmight verb/rude the Poor to famifh, rather than againft Law to beg ; becaufe if thoufands of them dye ofFamine, yet other people are fupplied,and have plenty: Or you might tell men that they muff ore no Phyfician, though they dye for it, if they have no tolerable one allowed them by the Magilrate , becaufe others have Phyhcians though they dye for want of them.. What if the P6rifh Prieft could Baptize but one of many (or not all :) Muff the reft be content to be unbaptized ? If not,why muff they be content without all publicly Preaching and Yvorfhipping of God, and the Lords Supper, and personal helps of Pallors which they need ? Paul thanketh God that he Baptized none of the Corinthians Bove rotes few, and faith, that God feat