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Ch.í6.rake up the croft. St.Matthew.Chr ,` 's trànsigurat as':s.Ch. I7 leaveth this world. a. It were a mad bargain ed Saints live after death, they couldnotappear to fell a mansSoul for all that this world can in Glory. 4. They talked with Chrift of bP afford. O how many do that daily in deed, tùfferings at yeruflem. S. Either Chrift told which they durft not do by an exprels bargain the three Dilciples whothey were,or theirown with the Devil. appearanceIhewed it. 6. How much better 27. For the Son ofman (hall come company is above than here. in the glory of his Father, with his 4: Then anfwered Peter, and fail angels : and then he shall reward eve- untoJefus, Lord, it is good for us ry man according to his works. to be here : if thou, wilt, let us make 27, Believe ir, I Flail come at last in judg- here three tabernacles ; one for thee, went, in Divineglory, attended by Angels,and and one for Mofes, and onefor Elias. then I will reward thofe that were faithful, to 4. Note, t. We are apt to delire more ofHea- see, or perfidious, and all men according to ven on Earth than God willallow, Out nut fa their works : therefore whatever you fuffer now, apt to delire to goby death to that glorywhen prepare for the judgmentof that day. it is :) Fain we would have it comedown totl& ig. Verily I fay untoyou There 2. Aglimpfe ofglory is enough to rap a be fome (landing here, which (hall Soulinto mark. not taleof death, till they fee the 3. We know not what we fay, when we Son ofman coming in his kingdom. talk offelicityin Tabernacles on earth. 28. And I tell you, left you think this my 4. A glimpfe of Glory will make us out of lot coming inglory to judgment incredible, that with worldly company and vanity. How loth fome here shall live to fee a visible reprefenta- then would the Souls inHeaven be tocome donofthat mygloriousappearing. dawn. Note, That this is:meant ofhis transfiguration, 5. Wlrilé he yet fpake, behold, a the addition of it in the fèveral Evangelifts bright Cloud overshadowed them: fheweth. Nor is Dr. H. his reafon againft it and behold, a voice out of the cloud, from the former verfe ofany force, it being not which laid, This is my belovedSon, the fame coming that is here fpoken of, but its reprefentation. in whom! am well pleated ; hear ye him. s. Note, r. Heavenly Inhabitants mutt not ftay on earth; Nor heavenly vifions and rap- tures be here long or frequent. 2. God again owned his Son by a voice from Heaven, as per- redly righteous, and as pleating him by man's redemption, and reconciling us to him, and teaching the Doctrine which is pleating so him. 6. Andwhen the difciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were fore afraid. 6. Note, The Voice of God even , when he fpeakethmercy, isenough to humble and pro- ftrate man. 7. And Jefus came and touched them, and Paid, Arife, and be not afraid. 7. N. It is Chrift that muft raife our troa. bled and humbledSouls from our dejectedness and fear. 8. And when they had lift up with their eyes, they faw no man, fave to themMofes and Elias talkin g Jefusonly. hem. I. Note, Chrift will ftaywith us when Motes 3. Note, r. Mofes, whole body was buried, and Elias will nor; nor are earthly comforts andElias, whofè bodywas but changed, appear- durable. ed alike. z. The chiefLegislator and chiefProphet air. peered to thew that the Law and the Prophets did but lead to Christ, 3. Did nct the depart- CHAP. XVII. r. A NA after fix days, Jefus taketh PeterJames and John his bro- ther, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart, 2. And was transfigured before them, and his face did (nine as the fun, and his rai- ment was white as the light.' a, z. And as Chrift had promifed them a glimpfe of hisKingly Glory, fo within fix days he performed it, toPeter, lames and John, whom he feleEted for peculiar favours : in a high mountain he was transfigured into a glo. . rious appearance, his face fiining like the 1ùn, and hisraiment like light. Note, Chrift would have this help of fenfe, to confirm their faith. Of this transfiguration I have written at large in a Book called, My dy- tagTheaters. 3. And behold, there appeared un- 9. And as they came down from the mountain, Jefus charged them, laying, Tell the vilion to no man, until