Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spirit:i41 Peace and Comfort. 5 nefs or proof that we are Gods foes : for that hath not his Spirit is none ofhis: and the Spirit is not difcerned by us in its effence,but in its workings : and therefore todifcern tlfeworkin is todifcern the ti5 Spirit : aad thefe workings are the Marks that we speak of : fo that the Spirit witneffeth our Sonthip, as a reafonable foul witneffeth that you are a man and not a beau. You find by the *. as of Reafon that youhave a Reafonable foul,andhen you know,that having a Reafonable foul you are certainly a man:So you find by the works or fruits of the Spirit, that you have the Spirit, (that is by Marks : and `Par enu- merates the fruits of the Spirit to that end) and then by finding that you have the Spirit,youmay certainly know that you are the child of God. 2. Alfo, as the Reafonable foul is its own difcerner by the helpofthe body(while it is in it)and fo witneffeth our Humanity effec`fivelyas well as obje&cively(but fire in order ob jec`kively,and next ei eEtivdy;) fodoth the Spirit ef- fec}ively difcover it felt to the foul, by illuminating us to difcern ir, and exciting us to fearch, and giving us that fpiritual taft and feelingofits workingstand fo of its prefence by which it is heft known. But f u l it witneffeth objectively firft,and its effeaive wit, nefíin is but the cauing us todifcern its obje&ive witnefs. Or (to fpeak more plainly) The Spirit wit - neffes firft and principally by giving us thofe Graces &workings which are our Marks;and then fecondlyY. 'by helpingus to Findand feel thofe workings. or marks in our Pelves:; and then lafily by raifng Comforts in the foul upon that difcovery. 'Take heed there- fore of expecting any fuch inward wirnefs ofthe Spi- nt, as Tome expel, viz, a difcovery-ofyout Adop4 Q 4 CiOP