Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

The Epíflt Decticatory, God will yet do withus, we cannot tell ; but ifhe will continue his Gofpel to us, you may have the greater comfort in it ; Ifhe will re- move it, and forfake a proud, unworthy, falle hearted People ; yet mayyou have the com- fort of your fincere endeavours : you (with the refit that fincerely furthered it ) may ecape the gnawings of Confcience and the publique c 7rle and reproach, which the Hi -. Rory of this A `_e may fatten upon them, who after their Engagements in blood and Co- venants, would either in ignorant fury,or n;a. licious fubtilty , or bale temporizing co- wardize, oppugn or undermine the Go`pel, or in perfidious lilence, look on, wliil{t its de -- flroyed. But becaufe it is not The lvorkola flatterer, that , am doing, but of a friend ; I muff fecond thefe commendations with forne caution and councl ; and tell your íelves of your danger and duty, as I tell others ofyour exemplary Deeds. Truly the fad experiences of thefe times, have much abated my cone- denc ; in man, and canted me tohave lower thoughts of the bell, then xbmetime I have had. I confefs I look on man, as filch a di.: ftempered, flippery and unconftant thing, a.nd mf -fuch a natural mutability ofApprehenflons 3: Affetions,that as I alai never more call any man