Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual (Peace and Comfort. 61 other means(ordinarily)be certainoftheßenefit,but by that which afcertains him that he bathperformed thecondition. God faith, He that believeth Jhall be faved: No than can know then that he fhall be faved till he firfi know that he Believeth. Elfe he fhould knoweither contrary to that which is written,.or more then that which is written : And Juflification and Adoption fhould be given fome other way then by the Gofel Promife (for that Promife giveth them only Conditionally , and fo fufpendcth the aäual right, upon the performance ofthe Condi- tion :) But ifany can Phew any other way,bywhich Codmaketh over pardon and Adoption, befides the Cofpel promife, let themdo it; but I will not pro- mile fuddenly tobelieve them ; for it was never yet (hewed as x. know of. Alfo, ifmen muff not loók at their own performance of the Condition, toprove their right to the benefit then either all or none muff believe that they have that right. For thePro- mife faith ,He that believeth "hall belaved. And this is a promife ofLifeconditionally to all. Ifall mull be- lieve that they (hall be faved, then moll of thetworlc mull believea lye. If the true believer may not therefore conclude that he Mall be faved, becaufe he performeth the condition of the Promife, then no man may believe it. And for that abfolute Pro- tnifeofthe newHeart, no man can , or may believe that it is his, till he have that new heart which it promifeth that is, till it be fulfilled : For there is no Mark by which a man can know whether that Pro- milebelong to himor no, before-hand : and if all fhould believe that it belongs to them, moff would find it falfe. 3.God