Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

64 Direaionsforgetting and keeping (elves in God, is not only one part of our Duty; but that great tuty wherein lieth the height ofour Chriftianity : And how vain a fpeech is it to fay,that we may not take up our Comforts from our own works, nor Rejoyce in any thingofour own : when even Rejoycing it felf, and Delighting, and Com- forting our f`Ives is one part ofour Duty ? 8, As God in Chrift is the chief objeet and ground of our Comfort i fo that we mutt Rejoyce innothing but God, and the Crofs of Chrift, in that kind, or in co- ordination with them,) fo it is the office of every Grace and holy Work, and Ordinance, and Means,to be fubfervient to Christ, either for the at- taining ofChrist, or applyinghis merits, or they are the areasofhis merits. Now ifwe mutt Love and rejoyce in Chrift principally,then mutt we needs love and rejoyce in all thofe things that{land in a neceff fary fubordination tohim,in their places. And there- fore to fay, We mutt Rejoyce in Chrift only, and there- fore not in ary Graces or Dutiesofour own, is as wife, as ifa wife fhould calf her husbands cloaths andmeat out ofdoors, and fay, You charged me to admit none into my chamber but your felf : Or as if aPhy titian, having toldhis paticnts, I Will cureyou, if you Will WOme only for the cure ; thereupon the Pa- tients fhould call away his Medicines, and Phut ,the doors'againft his fervants and Apothecary, and fay, Wemuß truft none but the `Phyftian. 9. A ll the failings ofour Duties are pardoned, and they Accepted in Chrift ; and therefore we may Re- joyce in them. zo. Our Duties have a double tendency to our falvation : Ì. As the Condition towhich God bath pro-