Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

68 DireEionsforgetting and keeping it is in the miftakes ofthe Antinomians : and no peo- ple in the world ( except carnal Libertines, whom this Do:rine fits to a hair) are in more dangerof them, then poor doubting (hriftians under trouble of Confcience : fpecially if they be not judicious,and skilled in the Doctrine ofChrift. For the very pre- . tence of extolling Chrift and free Grace will take much with filch : and any New-way will fometime feern to give themComfort, upon the very novelty and fudden change. Having thus proved that you may and muff fetch your fpeciall Comfort and Affurance from Evi- dences, and that your firft Evidence is your Faith I Mall open this fullier under the next Direction. DIRECTION XI. H. In the Trial ofyour State , Defure that you make ufe.of Infallible figns of Sincerity, and take not thofe for certain which are not. N D to that end remember what I faid before, that you muff well underftand wherein the Na- ture of faving Faith, and foof all faving Grace dorh confiff. And when you underftand this, write it down in twoor three lines : and both at your firft tryall, and afterward, when ever any doubts dodrive you,.