Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 71 Love Erenies, to farbear malice and Revenge, to ref}rain and mortifie Lull and Paillon : to abhor and mortifie Pride, and be iovv in our own eyes, and humble and meek in fprit. 2. They command things that crofs the interefl of the fief') and its inclination both together : I mean which will deprive it of its enjoyments, and bring it to force fuffering : As ro perform Duties even when they lay us open to dìf grace, and flume, and reproach in the orld; at;d Co deny our credit, rather then forfake Chtift or our duty : to obey Chrift indoing what he commandeth us, though it would hazard or crtainly Iofe our wealth, friends, liberty and life it fcif; forfakingall rather then to forfake him : to.give to the poor, and other good ufes, and that liberally, according to our abilities : to deny the fleib all forbidden plea- lures, and make not provifion to fatisfie its laits, but ro crucifie the fleíh, with the affections & lufts there- of: and in this combate to hold on to the end, and to overcome. Thefe are the Laws of ChriÍ, which you mutt know,before you can d:terthine whether you are indeed unfeignedly w+lling to obey them:. Put therefore thefe further queftions toyour felf; for the trial ofyour willingnefs to be Ruled by Chiiiit according to his Laws 3 Are you heartily tailing to live in the perfor- mance oftbofe holy andfoiritual T Fttiea cf heart and life Which God kith ahfolutely commanded you ? and are you heartily lorry that you perform themnobetter ? with no more clàeerfúlnef ,delightQ fuccefs andcon f anc) ? 4. Arejotsf© throug&ly convinced cifthe worth cf kvsrlaflin Happinefr ,end the intolleratlenefs or 4v, °rlf i