Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace, and Comfort. 8 t 6. Alfo you muff underand, that When 1 fay, that true Willingnefs to beRuled by Chriff, will fbew it felf in A. dual Obedience; I do not mean it ofevery particular individual Ad which is our Du- ty, as if you fhould judge your PelfGracelefs for ever ry partqatilar ornif ion of a duty ; no, though you knew itTo be a duty : and though you confidered it . to be a duty. For i .There may be a true Habituated. Inclination and Willingnefs to obey (brill rooted in the heart,when yet by the force ofa temptation, the a&ual prevalencyofit at that time in that admay be hindered and fuppreft. z. And at the fame time, you do hold on in a courfe of obedience in. either duties.. 3. And when the temptation is overcome, and Grace bath been rowfed up againft the flefh,and you,fober- ly recollect your thoughts, you will return, to Obe- dience in that duty alto. Yea how many daies or weeks, or moneths, a true (hriftian may pofhbly . neglec`I a known duty, I will not dare to determine (ofwhich more anon.) Yet fuch omiffons as will not Band with a fncere Refolution and Willingnefs to obeyChrift univerfally(I mean an Habitual Willing- nefs) will not confia wth the truthofGrace, 7. I know the fourth Mark, about forfaking All for Chrift may feem fomewhat unfeafonable and harCh to propound for the quieting of a troubled confcience. But yet, I durft not omit it, feeing Chrift bath not omitted it ; nay feeing he bath fo urged it, and laid fucb a ftrefson it in the Scriptureas he bath done; I dare not daub, nor be unfaithful , for fear of troubling:fuch skinning over the wound,wil but pre- pare for more trouble , and a further cure. Chrift. thought it meet even to tell yongbeginners of the wart`