Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

88 Viret îons forgeeting and keeping of temporaries that are not rooted in the faith , that they fall when tribulation and perfecution for the Gofpel arifèth and therefore* it feems they may nand till then and if tryal never come,theymay ne- ver fall, and yet be unfound in the mean time ? c fnfiw. I. If your tryal now be confiderable, the truth ofGrace may be manifefted in it, though it be none of the greateft , and though in ftriving againft fm you have not yet refitted unto blood z. If you carefullyobf:rve your own heart, you may difcern whether the fpirit and your refolutions be prevalent, b., their daily fubduing and mortifying the flefh and its hit's. Nay tell you, the Vietory of Gods Spirit over the flattering, enticing world in profpe= tiry, is as great and glorious, if not more, then that Over tie frowning, pyrfecuting world in adverfity. And therefore find the one, and you need not fear the other. Though I confefs that hypocrites do not fall fo vifibly and fhamefully alwaies in profperity as in adverfity : for they have more pretences, advan- tagesand carnal fhifrs to hide the fhame of their fais. And for thatinthe Parable in Mat. 13. I pray you mark one thing : Chrifl feems to fpeak of every fe verall fort ofHearers by a Gradation, fpeaking Taft of'thofe that go fartheft. The firll fort are the com- mon, ignorant, negligent Hearers, in whom the word takes no root at all. The fecond fort are thofe that . give it a flight and fhallow rooting, but no deep rooting at all : thofe are they that fall away in tribu- lation. Byfalling4%9, is meant the plaindeferting Chrift or the fubflance ofhis Caufe. Thefe men till this falling away, though they profeffed Chrifl, and heart the word with joy..yet nodoubt,di.dnot crucifie the