Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and comfort: 95. working by means, not denying but God may by a voice from Heaven, or an Angel,or other fupernatu.. ral Revelation, beftowAffurance on whom he leaf eth. But I hope all wife Chriftians will take heed of expecting this, or of trufting too much to feeming Revelations, unlefs they could prove that God ufeth to confer A ffurance in this way.; which I think they cannot. 2. By the fansalleß degree ofgrace, I mean, ofFaith, Love, Csbe4ience, and thofe faving Graces, whole aes are the Condition of our falvation,and which in the fore- expreffed Marks I laid down to you. Do not therefore fo far mifiake me, at to think that I fpeak of a fmall meafure of thofe common Gifts which are feparable from true San&ification : fuch as are extenfive Knowledge,Memory, Abilityof ut- terance in Preaching,Repeating, Exhorting or Pray- ing; An ornate plaufible winning deportment be- foremen, fuch as is commonly called Good breeding or M anners ; An affec`fed, humble, complemental' familiarity and condefcenfion, to creep into mens eftimation and affections, and flea' their hearts, &c. Many a one that is firong in laving Grace, is weak in all thefe,and other the like. Now for my Reafon6. . I conceive that it is not pofliible for any Mini fier punaually to let down a difcernable difference between the leaf} meafure ofTrue lavingGrace, and the higheft degree of common Grace ; and to fay, Juif here it is that they part, or by this you may difcern them. I do but fay I think fo becaufes otber menmay know far more then I do But ï will fay it as certain, that I am not able to do it for my own