Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

o 4 VireEiions for getting a d keeping they that do fo 1ña1 find tbatGod will Phew them his difpleafure, and will difpleafc them again.They mud not look to enjoy alíurance,or fee the pleafed face of Cod, till they aremóre careful to eleafe him, and are more (paring and feldom in offending him. As Gods iiverlal J uitice in Governing the world, will make as great a difference between the fincerely Obedient and Difobedient, asethere is between Heaven and 1 fell : fo Gods Paternal Juflice in Governing his fa, mily, will make as wide a difference between the more Obedient children and the lefs Obedient, as is between his dreadfuil frowns,and his joyous reviving frailes; or betweeta his fnnarting Rod, or his encou- raging Rewards. ï I. If God fhould give Affurance and Peace to the finning and leaft obedient believers, be fhnuld not fit his providential difpofdls to their good. It is not that which their flare requires, 'nor would it tend to their Cure any more then a healing plailler, th a fore that is rotten in the bottom, or a cordial to the Removal of a cacochymy,or the purge ing out ofcorrupt redundant humours. .They are fo inclined to the Lethargy of fecurity, that they have need of continual pinching, flriking, or loud tailing-on, to keep them waking : (frill remember that by this weak Chrifilan, I mean not every doubt- ing ciftreffd foul, that is weak in their own appre- henlion, and :little in their own eyes, and poor in ipirit : but I mean thofe that have the leapt meafure of fincere -love. to Chrift, and defire after him , and tendernefs.,of confcience, and care to pleafe God, and the greateft meafure of fecurity, wenrldli- ri6,, pride, flefh-pleafing, and boldnefs in finning, which LS ..cQnf(tent with fincerity in the faith. ) L . , t , - believe