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114 DireEEtons forgetting 4nd keeping towards it ) while he is bdt Deliberating, whether he should choofe Chrift or the world ? But the laft Reafon that comes in and Determined] his Will toChrift,, and makes, him refolve and enter a firm Covenant with Chrift, and fay, will have Chrift for Dc. ter or Worfe,this maketh thegreatelt change that ever is made by any work in this world. For how can there be greater then the turningof a foul from the creature to the Creator ? fo di[zant are the terms of this chanoc. After this one Turning a& Chrift bath that Heart, and the main bent and endeavours ofthe life, which the world had before. The man bath a new End,a newRule and Guide, and a new Matter. Before the Flefh and the Devil were his Ma- ilers and now Chrift is his Mailer. So that you muff not think fo meanly of the Turning, Determining, Refolving a&ofGrace, becaule it lieth but in a gra- dual difference naturally from common Grace; ifa Prince should offer a condemned beggar to marry her, and pardon her, and make her his Queen : Her Deliberation may be thoway to her Content, and one Reafon after another may bring her near to Contenting. But it is that which turns her will to Content, Refolve, Covenant and Deliver her felt to him, which makes the great change inher Rate. Yet all the foregoing Work ofcommon Grace bath a hand in the change, though only the turning Refo- lotion do effe& it: It is the rei}with this that doth it: As when the lait grain turns the fcales, the former do concur. I will, conclude with D. 'Preftons words in hi*Golden Scepter, pag. 2 i O. Obj. Itfeems then that the kkol'ledge of a carnal man, and of a Regenerate man do differbast in degrees, andr'ot in kind. Ant The Want