Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace'and Comfort. i Wicked men doVti Deo; &frui creatures, Z,' e God, and .joy thecreatures ; Godly men do Frui Deo, ati creatstrie, Enjoy God, andufe the creatures. The meaning is , Both Regenerate and Unregenerate W have fome ill or Love , both to God and to the Creature : But the wicked do Will or Love the Creature as their chief Good with their chiefeft Love, and they only Love God as a Means tohelp them to the Creature, with a Love fubordi- nate to their Love to theCreature.Whereas the god- ly do Will or Love God as their chief Good, with their chiefelt Love or Complacency ; and Love the Creature but as a Means to God, with an inferiour Love. If then the nature of Sincerity be fo little known, then A ffurance ofSincerity cannot be very common. More might be faid to prove that Cer- tainty of Salvation is not common among true Chriftians ; but that it is labour in vain, as to them, ¡feeing experience and their own ready confeffion loth witnefs it. Now what's the ufe that 'would have you make ofthis ? Why it is this : IfAffurance of fincerity and Juftification ( much more ofSalvation) be fo rare among true Chriítians, then you have no caufe to think that the want of it proveth you to be no true Cliriflian, You fee then that a man maybe in a [late offalvation without it and that it is not jullifying Faith, as fome have imagined, nor yet a neceffary concomitant ofthat Faith.You fee that you were mi' [taken in thinking that you had not the Spirit of Adoption,becaufe youhadno affuring witnefs within you