Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

1%8 Diretiionsforcc,rett ng and ,beeping DIRECTION XV. 15. Yea this much more I would here inform you of , That litany holy, watchful and obedient Qrflians, areyet uncertain of their Salvation, even then . when they are Certain of their Iufli fi caion and Sanctification ; and that be. caul they are uncerain of their per`e, rverance and overcoming: For a mans Certainty of Us Salvation can be na fironger then is his certainty of endu- ring to the end and overcoming. THat you may not mifunderfand me in this, obi ferve 1. That I do not fay perfeverance is a thinguncertain in it feif : 2. Nor that it ís uncertain to all Chrifians: ;. But that it is uncertain tomany, even firong and feif-knowing Chriflians.Divines ufe todiflinguifhofthe Certainty of the Obj ed, and of the fubjcft : and the former is either of the Objea of