Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 135 3, Let me next therefore intreat you to take the Comfort of your ProbabilitiesofGrace and Salvat- on.Your horfe or dog knoweth not how you will ufe them Certainty ; yet will they lovingly follow you, and put their heads to your hand, and truft y ou with their lives without fear, and love to be in your com7 pang ; becaufe they have found you kind to them, and have tried that you do them no hurt, but good ; yea though you do Urike them fometimes, yet they find that they have their food from you , and your favour doth fuftain them. Yea, your little children have noCertainty how you will ufe them, and yet finding that you have alwaies ufed them kindly, and expreffed Love to them, though you whip them fometimes, yet are glad of your compa ny, and defire to be inyour lap , and can truft them - felves in your hands, without tormentong them- hives with fuch doubts as there , 1 am suncertain how 9j mother will life me, whether the will wound me, or kill we, or turn me out ofdoors, and let me peri j77 Nature perfwades us not to be too diftruflful of thole that have alwaies befriended, us, and efpecially whole Nature is Merciful and Compaf ionate : Nor to be too fufpitious of evil from them that have alwaies done us good : Every man knows that the Good will do good, and the Evil will do you evil ; and accordingly we expec` that they fhoud do to us, Naturally we all fear a Toad, a Serpent, an Adder, a mad Dog a wicked Man, a mad Man, a cruel blood.thirftyTyrant and the Devil: But no one fears a Dove, a Lamb, a goodMan, a merciful corn- paffìonate Governour, except only the Rebels or notorious offenders that know he is bound in juice M 4 t q.