Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

To the Poor in Spirit. theft things unfei nedly which we never fare, (nor ever fpoke withman that did fee) and to Dopefor themfo Really (,s to lei goallprefent for. bidden plea.lures, and all worldly hopes and feena- ing happinefs , rather then to hazard the lofs of them: thls is an eminent° part of that Faith by which the flit/ do live andwhich the Scripture doth own as qu;Ilifìying and Saving : ( For it never diflinnuilbeth between ]nf ifying Faith andSaving Faith , to their nature.) It is therefore agreat miflake offorce to look onely at that one eye of fofifyinn Faith which looks back upon the Crofs, and agreat mistake of them ore the other hand that look onely at that eye of it which .beholds the Crown : Both Chri fl Cruci- fed, and Chrifl Interceding, andChri/l return- ing to r uflifeandGlorifie, are the objecnis even of l uflif yin Saving Faith Molt flrielly fa. tailed. The Scripture oft expreffeth theone on - ly : bist then it fill implyeth the other. The So- cinians erronioufly therefore from Heb. i. I. (where the Examples and Elolies 'ofFaith are fet forth) do exclude Chrifl Crucified, or the re (peel to his Satisfaction, from 9u(lifyin Faith,. andplace it in a weer Expcélation of Glory : and others do as ungroundedly a f rm, that it is not theyuflifying Act ofFaith which lieb. z r. deo cribeth, becats f e theyfindnot the Croft of Chrif them