Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

To the Poor in Spirit. that Copy that 1 might have room) nor indeed much mind of them, if I hadhad both room and time. As in all theRemoves of my Life I have been fir ll ledto that place orAtte whichwas furtheft frommy own thoughts, andnever defgnedor con- trivedby my fel f : fo all the Writings thatyet 1 havepublífhed arefuch ashave been by fame_rid- den unexpetiedoccafion extortedfromme while thole that I mof jelled have been flifled in the Conception : and thole that 1 have molt laboured in, mull lie buried in the dull : that 1 may know it's God that u the Difpofar of all. Experie'ce perfwadeth me to think, that God, who bath com- pelled me hereto, intendeth to make this hafly writing a means for thecalming of forne Trou bledSouls : Which ifhe do, l have my End. If 1 can do nothing to the Churches publick Peace, either through my own unskiifulnefs and unwor- thinefs,or through the prevalency of the Malady : yet will it be my comfort to further the Peaceof thepoorefi Chriftian. (Though to theformer al- fo I [ball contribute my heft endeavours : andans with this fending to the Prefs fome fewiheets to that end , with our Worceflerfhire Agree- ment.) The full accsmpli(hment of both : the fubduing of the Prince of Darknefs, Confufion and Contention : the defraying of that Pride, fell