Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

The Contents. DIRECTION XXII. Spend more time and care aboutyour Duty then your Comforts , and to get and exercife and increafe Grace then to difcern thecer- tainty of U. 179 DIRECTION XXIII. Think not that thole Doubts andTroubles which are caged and continued by wilful Difobedi- ence,will ever be well healedbut by the healing of that Difobedience, or thatfuch can be cured by thefame means, as obedient DoubtingChri- flians may. 189 Howfara Chriflian can orcannot do the Good he would. 193 Three forts of fins of Infirmity , or fo called , opened. 197 The date of a Cbriflian under profs fin , Doubt- ful. 102 Proved, that Alfurance dependeth much on care- ful obedience And that when all is done,the moll obedient reliever will ordinarily have moll andbell *tranceofhis fincerity andfal- wation. ro6 The Ufe of theformer Direction.. 314 The Doubtings of moll Chriflians that have the free ufeof Reafon, are fed by forcefin. ibid. The fins which Troubled-Chriflians fhould moll leachafter, are ¡/y 1. Con-