Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

M A T. II. 28. Come onto me all ye that labour, and are heavy- laden, and Iwill giveyou ReR : Take. my Yoke uponyou, and Learn ofme : for Iammeek and Lowly in heart, AndyeJhallfindReit untoyourfouls For my Yoke is eafe, andmy burthen is light. GAL. 5.17. For theflesh luftethagainft theSpirit, and theSpirit againft theflefh ; and thefe are contrary the one to the other, fo that ye cannot do the things thatyewould. Ro M. 6. 16. Knowye not that to whomye Yield your (elves fer- vants toobey, hisfervants yeare to whomye obey? whe- ther of fin unto Death, or ofObedience untoRighte- oufncfs ? RO M. 13.14. Make not provifion for the flefi, tò fulfil the tufts thereof. R®M.8. 13. For ifye Live after the flefh, yefhall dye : But ifye through the Spirit domortifie thedeeds of theBody; ye fhall live. 2. PE T.