Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

2,8 DireElionsforgetting, and keeping DIRECTIOii VII. Q. You mull get the right uriderflanding of the difference between General Grace and Special : and bemeen the Pofsibility, Probability, Conditional certainty, and 4b olute certainty of your Sal, nation : and f between the Comfort on the f owner ground, and on the later. ANd here I fhall open toyoua rich Mine of Con- folation. Underftand therefore that as every particular part ofthe houfe is built on the foundation, fo is eve- ry part of Special Grace built on General Grace. Underífand alto that all the four WI mentioned particulars do belong to this General Grace : A'alfo, that though no man canhave Abfolute Certainty of Salvation , from the confideration of' this General Gracealone, yet may it afford abundance ofrelief to diftreffed fouls, yeamuch trueConfolation. Laffly, Underlfand, that All that hear the Gofpel, may take part in this Confolation, though theyhave no Affu- ranceoftheir Salvation at all, no nor anySpecial Sa- ving Grace. Now