Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

34 i)ireclions forgettingand keeping able to fave him : and was heaedin that he feared. It feems that Chrill had difirefíìng fears as well as you though not finfull fears. Have you horrid temptations ? why Chrill was tempted tocall himfeif head-long,and to woríhip theDevil,for worldly pre- ferment ; Yea the Devil had power to carry his body upand down,to the pinacleoftheTernple,and the top ofa mountain. Ifhe had fuch power ofyou, would you not think your felfcertainly his (lave? I conclude therefore, as it is an exceedinggroundofcomfort to all the lick people in a City, to know that there is a moll merciful! andskilful Phy'itian,that is eafily able to cure them, and bath undertaken todo it freely for all that will take him for. their Phyfitian ; fo is it a ground ofexceedingcomfort to thewort of fanners, to all fanners ( that are yet alive and have not blaf- phemed theholy Ghoft,) to knowwhat a Merciful! and fufficient Saviour bathundertaken the work of mans Redemption. . Alfo, Suppofe yet that you are Gracelefs ; Is it nothing that a fufficient Sacrifice and Ranfom is given for you ? This is the very foundationof all fo- ;lid Peace. I think this is a great comfort, toknow that God looksnow for nofatisfac`icn at your hand; and that the Number or Greatnefs of your fins, as fuch, cannot now be your ruine. For certainly no man thall perith for want of the payment of his Ran - fom , or of an expiatory Sacrificefor Sir., but only for want of a willing heart to Accept him that bath freely Ranfomed them. 4. Alfo, Suppofe you are Gracelefs ; Is it nothing that God bathunder his bandand leal made a full and free deedof Gift, to you and . ail ;:inners of Chriíl and