Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

,,,.4 4141WZOAAN14».,(::0.4., ;a z w . . 4444444 .,. Tomy much valued, beloved, and Honoured friends, Col. Sohn Bridges, with Mrs itiArg4ret Bridges his Wife, and Mr, ma Foley , with M" Ann Foley his Wife. Hough in publifhing our Wrid- tinge , we intend them for the y good ; of all yet cuftom ( not fi. without reafon) loth teach us , fometimes to dire& themmore efpcially to force. Though one only had the original interei inthefe Papers, yet do I now diret them to you all , as not knowing how in this to feperate you. You dwell together inmyEflimation and Affe&ion One of you a Member of the Church , which I muff Teach ; and legally the Patronof its Mainte- nance and Minifter : The other , a fpeciat A 4 branch