Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

46 7rreaíons for gettingand keeping toprove the truthofScripture byplain, full undeni- able.forceofReafon. But I fuppofe this is none of your cafe. Ifthereforewhen you fay, that you can- not believe, you mean, that you cannot Accept an offered Chrih, or be willing to have him ; then T de- nand, inWhat is your reafon ? the Will is lead by theReafon oftheLlyderf$anding. Ifyou be not wil- ling, there is fomething that perfwades you tobe un- willing. This Reafonmull: be from fomething real,or elfe upon a mil:ake,upon fuppofal offomething that is not in being. Ifit be upon miI}ake, either it is that you be not convinced of Chrifts willingnefs to be yours ; and if you thought he did confent, you would confent willingly ; If this be it, you do truly believe while you think you do not ; for you do confent (and that's all on your part to make the match) and Chrih doth certainly confent, though you do not underhand it ; In this cafe it concerneth you, to underhand better the extent ofthe new Co- venant, and then youwill be paft doubt of the wil- lingnefs ofChrift, and fee that whereever the match breaks, it is only for want of confent in men ; for Chrift is the firfi fuitor, and bath long ago, in the Covenant proclaimed his confent to be the Head and Husbandofevery firmer, on condition they will but content to be his. If your mihake be from any falfe apprehenfion of tieNature of Chrifi:, as if he were not -a fufficient Saviour, or were fuch an enemy to your comforr,that he would do you more hurt then good; if theft. xnif?akes arep evalent, then you do not knowChrih; nd therefore mutt trefently better .Rudy him in the Gofpel, till )ou have prevailed: over filch ignorant zn