Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

48 Dire ions for getting and keeping Rom. I O. 17. I. Therefore fee that you wait dili- gently on this Ordinanceof God. Read the Scrip- tures daily ; and fearch them, to fee whether you may not there find that Holinefs is better then fin. 2. And ( however fome feducers may tell you, that wicked men ought not to pray, yet) be fure that you lie on your knees beforeGod, and importunate- ly beg that he would openyour eyes,and change your heart,and Chew you fo far the evil offin,and the want andworth ofChrifr and holinefs,that youmay be un- feignedly glad to Accept his offer. Objc[t. But the prayers of the wickedare an abo- mination to the Lord. Anfv. 1. You muff diftinguifh between wicked men, as actually wicked,and going on in theprofecu- tion of their wickednefs ; and wicked men, as they have fume good in them, or are doing fome good, or are attempting a return to God. 2. You muff diffinguithbetween real Prayer and feeming prayer. 3 . You mutt difrinwuifbbetween full Acceptance of Prayer, when Goddelighteth in them and an Ac- ceptance only to fore particular end , not imitat- ing theAcceptanceofthe perfonwith his Prayer: And between Acceptance fullyPromifed ( as tertian )and Acceptance but half promifed (as Probable : ) and upon there diitindions I Chall anfwer your objecti- ons in the Conclufion. 1. Whenwicked men pray God to profper them in their wickednefs , yea or to pardon them while they intend to go on in it, and fo to give them an in- dulgence in fin ; or when they think with a few prayers for fame Good, which they can endure, to put by that Holinefs which they cannot endure, and fo