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H Engliíh Diocefan AND PRIES THOOD TR YE D, &c. CHAP. I. The Reafons ofthis Writing. Am not ignorant how difplealing it will be to the Prelates, that Ï publifh thefe Reafons of my Nonconformity to the Subfcriptions and Oaths by which they would have me become an obliged Ap- prover Oftheir Function. Nor am I ignorant what Power, Wit andWill they haveto exprefs andexercife their difpleafure : Ana. confe.. quently, howprobable it is that I fhall fuller by them for this work. And I well know that peaceable fubjecìs fhould not unneceffarily fay any thing againft that which is required by their RulersLaws, nor cherifh the Peo- ples difcontents, but do all that is lawful for the common Peace : And I am not of fo pugnacious or felf-hating a difpofition, as to be willing of mens difpleafure, efpecially mySuperiours, or tobe ruined in thisWorld, and all that I may but vent my Opinion, in a cafe wherein Ihavepublifh- ed already fo much that is ftill unanfwered, as in my Difputations of Church Government is to be feen. B And