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( 7 ) diaion of Divine Offices, 2. to publick Admonitions and Penances, 3. to fufpenfion from the Sacrament, and from ingrefs into the Church, and 4. to Excommunication and Abfolution, and 5. toAnathematifms. And as te, Milliners, I. They may Sequefter Benefices. a. They may Sufpend ab officio beneficio, and forbid them to Preach or Pray ; Or grant Li- eenie to fuch as íhall be tolerated to Preach. ;.,They maydeprive; 4. And depofe.Miniftersby fentence verbal, and degradation actually. This Church Jurifdtftion of Bjfhops is diftinguifhed into Voluntary and Contentious ; Ed] The Voluntary extendeth to abundance of thingsgrant- ed themby Statute, andby Common Laws which I pals by That which d cal. Tab. they claim both by Municipal Law and Eçclefiaftical, is, 1. The probate e. of the Teftaments of the dead-; z. The granting Adminiftration ofGoods to the next ofKin, 3. Keeping the bona caduca where none claimeth the Ihheritance,, 4. To receive Rcatòns of Adminiftring, and to be Judges of them. y. To confer Benefices, or Irilleitute Path as others prefent:. 6. To grant Induftion to the Iníti used. 7. To receive the Fruits of vacant Be- nefices. 8..To allo v tb:: Vicar a fitproportion; 9. To grant Letters Di- millory, orTeftimocial. lo. To V ilk their Diocefs once in three years. In"which Triennial Vifitation, they ufually gó to one Town in a County,, (and never fee the face of the people in the many fcore or hundred Churches about them;) and thither, theyfummou the Minifters, and the Church-Wardens andSides-men , Where one. Minifter preacheth,and then the Miniítersmuff dine with the Bifliop, and inCourt he (or hisOfficer) giveth a Bookof Printed Articles, containingamultitude of particulars, which the Church-warden mutt f.aear toprefent by, where becaufe ofthe quality of them fome Church- Wardens refufe, and others becaufe of the nu,nbcr ; fome laying it is unlawful to undo their Minifters and Neigh- bours by fuch Frefentments (as for omitting a Ceremony, for preach- ingor keeping a Fait in private, &c.) and fome Paying it is impoffible to keep the. Oath, and fome faying that if they do it, they lhall behated of their Neighbours: Whereupon thofe thatrefufe are profecuted to punifh- ment; And the rent take the Oath and Articles ; but not oneofmany doth prelent accordingly; though theCanon enquiresafter the perjured. find` many that fear perjury or perfecution themfelves, do hire fome poor man to be Church-Warden in their Read, that will venture upon all. t muff intreat the Reader to perufe foine of their Booksof Articles (efpe- cially fuch as Bithop Mountagues and Bifnop Wrens) to fee what was then enquired after. Dr. Zoucbde ?ud. Ecclef. p. 37. S. i. Part. 3. faith , Ad judicesquod attinet f atato ordinatum, quodperfona conjugata dummodoDoElores Penis Civilisfuerint, qui adofricium Cancellasü, Vicarii eneralis, Officialis, vet Commiffarii ìs Majejlate Regia, Archiapifcopo, Epifcopo, Archidiacono' ant alio quocunque poteflatem habeute deputati font, omnem Jurifdiltionem Ecclef aflicam e.rercere, & quam libet cenfuram five coercitionem errogare paffnt. This Jurifdiction ofBithops is exercifed either Univerfally by a Vicar General, ufually a Layman; orqarticularly by aCommiil'ary.: [e] And Yc°f. Tab,`' whenhe pleafe the Bithop may do it himfelf. The