Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

i 48 1 The Practice of y. onnia diniait fiat vnnu, dbi nea obaiat re/ario. nit oppoftic e ..[:tibYta oisania its in OA faat,vrflue opfiam ; ita in. fi«ic,ot nihil aneuedatoai. ear, lid ex in- tellections no.. Pa (gua per- aam ora- 4tilit ali4 aliu pi- ns mines, sorn- p,ohendantur. Scaliger. EX. 165. fed. 6. a,aiede 'Dee Amour Alotntaie, oelatiene ad etata+at, b p'l.exadam aseident : nea oxpri,Man tarrtationom ín dtrin4 ef. featia, fed in eeatait fa_ illanwtegaa- Qinerg de deo ncrideatia tr : , wove olia ion praditata artide:041,ia b otaaïa Ina in Dee that fimple AE ,without the helpe of many diflinti flt?s, waft of nu- ceffitie haue the helpe of many di inft Ads to know the In- comprehenfrble God. Therefore (to fpeake properly) there are not in God many AAtribures,but * one ono/ which is nothing elfe but the Divine E fence it felfe, by what attribute foeuer . you call it. But in refpec4 of our reafon, they are laid to be fo many different Attributes. For our e ÿnderflanding conceiues by the name of Mercy, a thing dif- fering from that which is called Iufiice. The Efent :all Attributes of God are not therefore really infepar'ble 5. The Efentiall Attributes of God are not parts or quali- ties of the Dìuine Effence , nor Accidents in the Effence, as in a Subiec4 : but the very b whole and entire genet of God. So faSt,it infiait,vrf»r ipfe ?3ewt.