Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

T"he Praa'rce of `'I'iety. he bath throwne him downe to his.óratte. Thus farm of the milerics which accompany the body. Now of the tuileries which ac- company chiefly the foule in this life. 2Lleàioations of the mtJ!'ary c-f the foule i :h, Irfe. He mifery of thy foule will more euidcntl' appeare, if thou wilt but confider, I, The felicity fhee hat4 lofé. . The mifery which fhe bath vpon her felfe byfiane. I. The felicity loft, was firfl, the fruition oldie Image of God, whereby the foule was life vnto God in a knowledge enabling her perfeUly to vnderfla,nd the reuealed Will of God. Secondly, trite bodinee, by which the was free