Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

ttndperpetual/ quide. 91 . be merclfuU unto him, when he went into the houfe of ·_ Rimmon. The young man in the Gofpel, in his Matb.1- 9 .u. ·outward carriage was unreprovable; but that one 1 fecret finne of w,orldline!fe, banilhedhimout of the prefence and Kingdorne of Chrifr. In this point, Sathan labours to perfwade men to deale with God in the forfaking of their finnes,.as Ana- Ati. f. nitU dealt with the Apofrle,in with his Money. It was a cufiome, you know, in the Pri– mitive Church, becaufe of the neceffitie of the Times; that rnany,out of a zealous and extraor– dinarie love unto the Gofpel,fold their Lands,and brought the price, and laid it downe at the Apoftles feet• .Ananiasamongfl the reft,would necdes feeme as forward & zealous in this glorious worke ofCbaritie, as any other: He fold his Lands in– deed,and brought in the Money,and render'd ir ar the Apofi:les feet; but yet fecretly, fufpe6ting Gods providence,and doubting left hirnfelfe,perhaps, at length £hould be brought into want, bee .kept backe one part ofthe price ofhis Poffeffion ; ·making fhew notwithfianding,to have brought in all. So it is in many,by the malice ofSathan,and bewitching enticements of naturall corruption, in the forfaking of their finnes. In a true Conver– fion indeed,when aman is about tobuy the Pearle ofgreat price & unvaluable worth in the GofpeJ, the Do&rine of Salvation~ theWay to Life, and Graces of God·s Spirit; he makes an univcrfall fale of all his finnes ·; he feUeth (as the Text faith) Math.•l·-44> all that hehath: not fame piece ofhis finfull Po!feffion,but even theverywhole Lordfhip, the entire Inherit<nlce.