Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

94 r f ------- --------------~~---------------- 'The Saints fo're Iofephus. hiade.) Now, I fay, when all the enticements and policies of Phttraoh would not prevaiie to ke~e Mofes ftom ferving and facrificing unto God, and that precifdy and firittly, a-ccording to .his owne appointment and commapdernent, but that to this end, at length he wrung himfdfeand all the Ifraelites,-outof the bloudy teeth of this perfe- -cutingWolfe; why then Ph>~raoh-a.rmes bimfelfe w irh rage and fury, with fix hundred chofen coo– riots, and all _the chariots of .JEgypt, with fifty thoufand horfmen, and two hundred thoufand footmen, as a Iewifh Hifl:orian writes, ptupoling with bioudy thirf.l: to devoure at once, and [wallow up quicke, even all the Ifraell q_f God : But you know the condu[tonwas ; 1he Lord of Hea– ven gave -a moll: glorious deliverance to his owne ' people, wherein his bottomie1fe goodneffe, and _ infinite mercy f11all fhine cleare and bright for ever, in all g~nerations of the Church upon earth, and through all eternity in Heaven : But _ wpon their enemies he brought fitch a fhange and ·terrible confufiort in the Red Sea, which may £lrike aftonifhment and trembling into the heart -and loynes of all prophane perfecutors of· . netfe to the worlds end, and amaze the very ma- . 1ic1bufell: fiend in hell, while that Kingdome of darkneffe fl:ands. see Broade.p~tg. Even iu£hhtis cloth Satan deale with all thofe 141,~,. who deft re to bee conducted by the light of the Word, out of the h:gypt and flavery of igno– rance, finne, prophaneneffe ;.and who are refoi– ved frankly and freely to give themfelves, fouies · and