Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

. - 1 . <The Saints fore · ., Pauls arm<?ur, in Eph. 6. Da~,idJ. royatl cmirag~,. Pf4l.3. 6. Moftsprincely tcale,~nd truly ~hri- , fiian valo_ur, that he wiU·not lea.'lr't _a, hoofe b~hintk; t~at is> that he will not leave one corruption un– mortified, one atfet\:ion unfan6tified, one rebel-;· lious attion unreformed, one knowne ftnnc nn- - repented of, and unforfaken ) one boly dutie ' unpcrformed , one Command~ment unobeyed: Why then, bee may looke for a more gloriotJs.·· fpiriruall deliverance·, than Mofes had a· tem– porall : Hell, and confulion, 01all fwallmv up- -· • See all his * enemies ; but 1 into his heart, in th~ , meanc time, {hall be ihed and plentifullypow- . red comfort, joy, and peace; and upon his head lhall a Crowne of immortalitie flourith for ever hereafter. · · I have frayed very long upon the fifth plot and pratl:ice of Sathan, whereby he labours to- , make the Word heard, unpowerfull and unef– fe&uall .for the falvation of our foules :· I~or, I · - , knmv, it is much and often exercifed, and with -great fucceffe ; and by ir, he prevailes with very . mal)y. When by diligent hearing of Gods Word, faithfully urged upon them, they are– driven, and doe addreffe thcmfdves- to a refor– mation and amendment of their finfu-11 lives ; he mightily cndeavoms to hinder, difquiet, and- : .interrupt them in it; to make it a reformation , · unto them but in pa-rt, and byhalfes; unfound, · and unfaving : So that, it may be, they may for- . fake finncs of Cufiome, as Lying" Swearing, ; Drunkenneffe, and fuch like; but keepe !innes ; . > · of . ·'