Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

and perpetual/ quide. ·Gh6ft, EefJ. 6.4.· and yet afteraJime faH away, to theveryd~JFitingofthespirit of · race. I fpeake . not this, as rhcugh t9at any once effettually cal· . led,truly fanet:Hiecl,po!feffed ofthe frate of.grace, 101 Heb,6.4. •and enrolled among the Saints, can poffib!y be– come acaH-away; it cannot bee: for if onc@by thepower of fpeciall grace, a man be built upon .the Rocke; not the Gates ofHel1,not all the pow- · M~th. 1 t>.. :s. ers ofDarkefidfe, nor firongefi affaults of Satan, ·fuall ever prevaile againfthim. Heaven and Earth 'fl1a1I fooner be re_moved, than any t>f Gods fer... vams. ·For if Gods eternall D~cree qf EleCtion be unchangeab1e; if his Covenant be everlafi:ing, and inviolable; ifhis Truth cannQt change, nor his Mercie faile, nor his Power be weakened ; if the facred Seale ofrhe bleffed Spirit fhal! ftand; ifthe precious blood and fervent prayers ofChrift Iefrucan prevaile; if his Scripn1res doe not lye, and deceive; ifhis fanetifying Gra·ce cannot die, and perith; ifHimfelfe cannot ceafe to be: then • undoubtedly, ifa man be once his, he is his forever; if he be·once truely his fervant upon Earth, . \he tbaU for ever hereafter be a glorious Saint in Heaven~ My meaning therefore -in this point, is · onely this : There is- a glimmering Light of the · · Spirit, fome manner of tafte of the fweetneffe of ·thrift, akind·ofchange, which may be wrought i~ a manby the preaching of the Word, and yet he not truely and conflantly converted, 'but may . by themalice and policie ofSatan be repolfeffed by·uncleanefpirits, and repolluted wit'h the tilthindfe of theWorld. , .(h 3) Thus ''