Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

'Ihe Saints fore anguifh offpirit, for grieving his gracious God,, hee looke better to his feet, and run fafter in the · Race offan6tification after his fall; ifhis falling into finne teach·him thefegood leffons, which in ' fu·ch cafes are ordinarily learned of all true Chri- •-seeGou;,t, ftians; for all thingsJeven * finne it fe1fe,makes to P· 1 71, x7:z.. the bell: inGods Children. - / ·. The good that r Hee learnes by his fall, to difta-fi:e his pride, they get by and felfe-conceit, to let fall his Peacockes t~;.aine., their falls. and defpaire ofhis 'owne firength. I • • 2 TodependonlyuponGod,theWord ofhi~ Grace, and the power and perpet'uall influence of . his Spirit, for bis'ftanding upright in the wayes of Righteoufne!fe, and prefervation from moft: fearefulland dangerous downe-falls. 3 To cling dofer about him ; to clafpe falter : hold witp the hand of faith upon the glorious . Paffion and meritori-ous juil:ice of Chrifr; .with ' much heartineffe and zeaJe to feeke and fue unto him for his fpeciaJl aij:{e and affifrance againfl: Sa- ! 1:ans temptations,-hisownecorruptions, andout-· • ' ,ward oceafions offinne. · 4 To blulh and be atbamed of himfelfe; for that he having had his foule vvaibed with the pre:~ cious ' blood of Chrift, and having received fo · great favour, mercy, and pardon at the hands of God,yethath wretchedly and unthankfully defi- · led it againe; and fo wofully and wickedly abufed I • 'his extraordinary love and kindneffe. , l . 5 With more refolutevow, proteftation, and .·pra6tice, to. renounce and abandon Satan; witb more perfed hatred, and deteftation, to loath.and abhorre ,