Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

-·~_: ____ _______ __,__ ____________________ 1t 4 ! ______ 'l_h_e _Sa_i_n._ .,s_fi_u_re_._ : \ ''l . l ; l ' I \' i appeares in Pharoah, for their further hardening and confuGon; upon his elea., for their c.onver– fion and torre6tiono. , Let us then,in all otir·fufferings and affii&ions, 1 fiirred up againfr tls for fricking toGnceritie,and \ keepinga.good Confcience; lift up our eyes to 1 themightie Lordof Heaven and'Earth: who,b y1 : the ihong Arme of his,holds fafl: i l in a Chaine,Sathan,tbat rag~ng. Lion, ~tnd great I IGoliah, that beecannot ftirre one Linke further 1 t.ban hee wirl give him leave; hec cannot goe a · 1 haires bey?nd his Commiffion : Nay, l 1 and thatwhzchhee1sJuffcred to,.doe_, makes one 1 1 w.ay or other for- out•farrc greater good. Let us : confidcr,what a loving and tender-hearted Father ; bath us under his correCtion ; and holds in his , . hand cbe fL1'rie of SatbanJ the malice of men, the 1 aeeLparticular- !Hngs ·of all creatures, as Rods ;:md Scourges,to ,rcforme and amend Lls; to : kccpeus.inacom[eof holineJfe,:andin ~he right ;,vay tO Heaven. His fatherly love and tender– : heancdnelieuntohis,and fw~h a:s fcarc him, dmh : in dcarcndfe and unchat'lgcab Iene!fe as farre !la– . palTc rbe mofr cd:upaffion·are bowels ofany-eanh- . lyfarhcr,as God furpa!feth man i and, an infinite natme, a·finite creature. The .kindneffe of a,mo- ' tber to her child, is nothing to. that love which God beareth to a tmc Chriftian~ .A-mother md>y ferget her·child, aNd not have:compafFan 't'fOn th'eJo·mie of her rrombe.. But God n-either can, norwill for– get him. The fioH'ie Rockes and Mountaines __ 1 \ fricke fall: alldJiue untolheirfoundarionsl;~~~., ~~ --. ~~ ....... ....