Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

- ttnd perpetual/ quit/e. 119 fcalded, fome.burned, fon1c broyled, fotne hani , ged, fame·beheaded, fome thrmvn~ d~wne from I rockes upon frakes, fome fiabbed tn wtth.forkes, I Jome racked, and toroe in pieces, their tongues ~ cur our,theireyes bored our; their flelb twitched off with Pinfons, womens hre!ls feared -otf with ' hot yrons,pricked under the naylcs with Needles, r and a thou iand more wayes tormented, with as .gteat varietie and exquifit.enelfe,.as politikc rna- ,, lice could devife, acd propbane cruel tie execute. Ifwee pa!fe along from thence, even to thefe ' ,Times ; yea,and if our eyes enlightened, that wecould looke upon .the !l:ate of Gods chil~ dren,and their way to Heaven,even tot he Worlds - end; we fhould ever be able t~ trace them along by the teares of Brin<.",and bloud, which are powred out and fpilt for the profeffion ofGods Trmh, a_nd prac:tice of holinelfe. This the~ is, was, ~nd e\·envilJ b<.", tbe lot and portion of all thofe who ' arc fitting and preparing for Heaven. They are ever perfecuted one way, or other. If by rcafon of the milde and peaceab-le Times,drey fight not unro bloud, and pa!fe the fierie Triall ; yet rbey - tball~ave their troubles, oppreffi~~~, and difgra- ' ces; at leaf}, tbey- t'haH be_ ever - Fu~ to be payd '" 1wme with the fcourgc1oftongues: they {hall be - Ioaden wirh flanders,and falfc reports; tht;y fhall I j be madea-gazinf,-ll:ockc, a by-word, arid Tab!e- !' ' ralke; a fcorn~, reproach, 'and ·drrifion to d1em that arc roun-d about' therrn as ·JJa't)id was, Pfa!. 1'fizl.79· 4· -79· 4· Whidib~ing fo,'Why fhould not a cornmon cafe, inrh~ caufe•of God,~Breed a common (i 4) comfort