Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

andp~rpettJall (juide. like a fading Flower., fuddenly plucke-d up and wichered·like Graife,like Smoake,Iike a·Dreame,. like a·B1.1bbl~ of theWater. Though a 'Chri!l:ian: t!1erefore benever fo de,pely plunged- into * mi– feries, he (hall abiiile but a while under th'ewatex:s. .. As·m:tny times they arc. SeeDavid, F{ai.(,lj. 1"::.. .. 0faffiiaion; theday of redemption cannot be. farreotf. Though he ibould paffe through the teeth of wilde lkafis; upon the fword of the~~yrant,through t'he fhnnes of fire;thoughhis braines fho1,1ld be daibt againft the wal·ls, his limbes lye fcattered in -the ftreets,and his bl6ud rtinnedowne everychannell !'yet fhal1 he, ere it be long, glori0tlfly rife againe, in defr)ighnof all the.powers·of Darkeneffe, and'blohldineife ofcrueH mefi.. Hee l11all entirely be refiored, by the m1ghtie and im- , mediatehand 0f God; -hee fha11he clothedwith · Light., and immortalitie; his bloud· fhall be re- ' l ·' vengecl·; and a!J teares tpiped .fr(}mhin;ye.r; and t'here '1\..CV·7•I7· ; U1all"be fet uponhis heada Crowneof.everlafEng · 1 - joy, peac@,and happineffe. ' • 1 Sixtly•, c_omfort· unfpeakabie ·, and>glo.r·ious; . ~; ~ n;ayfpri~g upin·.the heart?f Gods child, atnidft ~~~~r~=~}~m~ HIS" fuffermg.s for the caufe of God, out of aeon- .pathiz.e with fidcrntion, That inall a:t.Hi ttions, withollt excepbis_children in · · ' ""'b · Jl. fi rt:: b ' · h h· l l afllltft:on. t1o:n-., ·"-' f>hL" uueret w'lt tm. · Pa~ wa'S t1e Scelfa.6 3 . 9 , mitrolil-r - mir~kleof all Chriftians, for dre varieti~· <Hld glqriot1frieife of his ft:11ferings ; you' may feea fl:rangeand tinmarchable Caratogue of tbcm; "2 Cor.. -rl. 2:3'. &c. I-le,was_in £tripes above ~ cor.u..2.3,&c• . n:eaj_lue~· filente®tl fly,in -~prifon; in-death oft. 0 f tli~ I~wes,~five times received hee fortie firipes; I fave_ot:lef.Pewas·thrice beaten withRods:the .~a~ . once