Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

and perpetual/ (juide. , given me, ~re as fignes lt'll.J{ as wonders in Ifrae4 by ·the Lord of HoHJ, zrhich dwe!letJ: in Mou11t Sion. I am hecome (faith David) as .itwer.e:amonflerft.ntomaMy, (or;ro the great men of the World, as f9me reni der it) Pfal. 7 I. 7. And in another Pfalme, PJ&I.' T?jisl.71 &, 1 • 79. 4· wee are a reproach to our neighbours, et· en ~ · 19. 4~ [corne and aderijion unto them that are rotRld about m. But efpecially you may fee in wi{d. z. (though the Booke be Apocrypbal1) what is the counfell -and conceit of the wicked about the {)ddeneife and fingularitie of the Saints: Let 1e5 defraud the righteom (!ay the wicked) for hee isnot for our profit, and hee is contrarie toour daings; hee checkethm for offending againH the La.w, and blameth m as tran[– grej]ors of<rDi[cipline i hee maketh hit boaH to have the /motflledge, of God, ttnd hee caUeth himfelfe thrfonne of the-Lord: Hee {I mt~de to reprove our thoughts. It grieveth m alfo to /(Joke upon him : for hi! lift if not like other mens, hit w~tyes are of ttnother f4hion ; hee CDIHiteth m as haHardr, tt'nd hee fl'ithdraweth himfelfe from our rvayes, ~ts from ftlthineffe ; hee co~<nmendetb gre~ttly the latter end of the ju.ft, and hoa'.ffeth thttt God is hii fAther. · . Thus, as Gods children and godly men are in.. : deedmor~ excelle~t than theirneighbours ; and fingular, in refpeet oftheir fancritication and fin– ceritie : fo they are fcorned and reviled by the World, and the greater part of men, as odde fellowes, and fuch as muft have wayes by them- ·._ felves, and a tricke aboveother~. They are poin– ted at, as matter of fcorne and contempt; they are fet up, as markes of £lander and oppreffion ; · (k) . and \ I ·