Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

J and pe·rpetualtquide. '-~~_9 _ himfclfe; in the time of their unregeneration; and having lcffe meanes, parts,occations,and en~ couragcments to glorifie God : yet exceii him inzeale, fanetification, and the of God . . Pa.ul,thatgr~at Doctor of the · 6emil~s,.and gto. rious Angel~-upon .Ear-th ,;, fo~ all-·bils fpirituall J,.. blefiings, and incomparab~e+· grac~s , cryes om, Rom.7. Z4· Oh wretched man that ! _am--; who /hall R~v..7. ~4· de.livtr me from the hody of thi! death ? D tt"t-id, a .man after Gods O'WPlC n·c.-att,l3nd a fpcciaH royall Mirror for varieti~ of fpiri.tuall excellencies, is fo ·· farre from being P,tOUd of his graces; that .hee -is every where' c0mplaining of the burth~n of his / finnes; fpir.ituall pnver~ie -and want,. and. the ·mi;.. feries ofhis..foule- ·: tbcre if no health in my f!efh) Pfal.jS.-3• (faithhe)· hec~tufe 1Jf thy difFleafure; neither u· there tSny reff honu, by re~{'on- ofmy firme: for my wic- . over my head, ~t?ad are like·zz, fore bur- ·:-: the11,.fOtJ hea-uie .forme to beare·. ·For his ·r.epcrration ; in the Wortd,hete-1Is us; th~tt he r111ts aWtJYlne, -attd .. Pfab.,, iS•. no man; a~'CrJ fcomc· 'i;fmtn,:~uttl o-uf-c.t~ftofrhe ped~ -., rle~ .· li1all rimcs-~ dm· beft rGHr1ft{a~s-~h:ure: t:Qet :. ll>eefle mo~ .fcm!ihle&f dre *cig1~ .0'f1dJeidinna~, :: . and cormpridn.ofcllei:J tlctture·; and rrldmd:renei'e, ! entertained-er Lmv-1 y c{)ncekof themfefva3.W hert i t<hete is·~ rhe .g»ealefl:i m«afur~ of: fanfrin€~ridn; : ·there-is e\<c.t the gr~:ateft ·humilirie: lf: r?~Fe ~hen .-; that be indeed i'm tbe,higlie·ft favonr .wit& God ·; I ' ' I leffadionc>r~ thanour fel.ves, and"mo-!l: fantt-Hied• . ·1. _ 5-e of a~humbl:eand }d\-vlymrndc;-of.:a. mc~kt:an/1 ·· ~let ft.rrit-, tt:hich il:liifu~e·. Cod ·a·thing f.ll i:tcahi fet ~y, _, " t :PJJ. 3· 4· · let us'. take ll=d h'ow.we be prbud 1 Peq.~ , of i