Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

andperpetual!(juide. Thereis no great Affaire, or of weight and Prepuation confequence, eyther inNature or Art, in neceffar~q_uilire _in rie bufine!Ies and civill Negotiations, or in matclVIll a£faxrcs,. . l C . d E . muchmore to · ters ofComp ement., eremonte,an ntervrew; the hearing of but there is required fome bethinking preparati-\ the Word. on and prte-difpoiition~, for the more happie and fuccef.fefull accomplitbment,execution,and per~ formancc: how much more in the affaires ofGod, marrers ofHeaven,bufineffe's ofeternitie,and falvation of mens foules? · The Ground muil: be manured and prepared for the Seed, if wee looke it fhould fruCl:ifie and profJ:)er : how much more iliould our dull and dead hearts bee {l:irred up, and furrowed, as it were, with humiliation, reverence, and repen– tance ; that by the grace of God, and the fanj &ifying power of the Spirit, it may lodge and take deepe root in them, and fpring up to eter– na111ife? The Body mull: be fitted with a Preparative, and the humours,as it were, gathered untoahead, if wee de lire the P.hyficke fhould worke forsibly and kindly,and rid us of their noxioufneffe,and fuperfluitie : how much more ought our Soules, with an impartiall and narrow inquilition, to be fearched and layd open, before they receive the Water of Life, and fpirituall Manna ; that fo they may more feafonably and foundly bewalh- l td and purged from cGrruptions·and imperfecti- · 1 ons~ pre~rved in fpirituall health, and prepared for eternalllife ? · The Ground muft be layd, and fame imperfe&: \ · - . ( 1 3 ) Draughts,