Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

·1 ;t> r . :Ihe Saints fore · and deadne!fe ofheart, whithmakes us unworthy and undifpofed to fiand upon fo holy ground, and utterly uncapable ofall tha~ heavenly W 'ife-, dome, and holy infrw6tions unto eternalllife, that are there taught, and tend red unto us ; nay, turne the bleffings of\he-Minifiery into curfes and condemnatien unto us. . IosHVA.H, . When !o}huahwas to make a ~rong and la fling Jefb+5· imprefiion in the hearts ofthe Ifraelites (whom . after .the death ofMofts, he conduCted to the pro– mifed Land)ofthe power and providence ofGod for his people, by that miraculous parting of the Waters of Jordan, for the trarifportation of the Arke ; hee commanded the people to fanttifie themfelves, to prepare,and compofe their hearts; to admire and reverence with greater intention and amazement, that omnipotent Majefiy that wrought fuch wonders for his chofen: For hearts emptied ofworldly thoughts, and fanct:ified by heavenly meditation, are fit fuqjetl:s for workes ofHeaven, and divine impreffions. How much more ought we to prepare our foules, before wee come into the SanCtuary ofthe Lord; fith there, they are either to be hardned for the Scepter of defirud:ion, and made ready for the flames qf Hell, if wee doe not prepare our felves, hearken, and obey: or elfe, to be foftned and fantrified . withfaving grace, and fitted for a Crowne of Glory; if with reverence, humility, and bbedi– ence, wee fubmit our felves to the power of the Word ? There> ifwee be unconverted, the great · and miraculous worke ofthe new-birth is to bee otA!""-~Iii~.;F-.r: .. wrought