Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

__ a_nd__;perpetua/1 (ju 'de. \ . 161 of Hell, by Sathans--malice ~ to terrific thee 1 zub S· :u u. though rhe meliengers ofmiferies and mifchiefes ~ come thicke and three-fold upon thee, as they did upon lob;-though the E&utb-be moved, and the mountaines fall mto the midfi of the Sea; P[4/,46•s; nay,though the whole World be on flames about thine eares,and the Heaven~ be rouled to~ether likeaScrowle: yet-Chalt thou be !l:able,and {halt not feare,becaufe thy heart is fixed,and beleeveth in the Lord. - . Thou fbalt forget ihy miferie, and rememher it ttt_ Yer[.16. waters that are paH.] Thy happinefi'c and comfort !hail be fo entire and tmmixed, fo abfolure and overflowing, that the very remembrance of former miferies and terrors {hall be drowned and devoured in .the cxcelfe and excellencie of that; even as the travels of a woman, in her joyes for a new-borne fonne: .Or,ifit be,that thy former dif– comforts fometimes fieale into thy minde, they l11all not be able to.refrorremainethere,by reafon .oftbe predominancie of fpirituall pleafures; but glide away as fwiftly,as thebead-long ftrearneof the mofr hafl:ie Torrent. Thine age 11lfo fbalt ttppeare more cleare than the Ver[. 17; Noone-day : thou fhalt fhine,arid be a; the Morning.] The Morning is the very Crowne of Time, and the beau tie of the Day ; ,the Poets call it, the * Rolie-finger'd Morning. When they labour -tt po.llo.JtJ.wrv· todefcribe corporall Beau tie to the life, and fet M~ ti~~. it out in the beft perfection and frctbefi colours that theutmofi power and highefi ftraine of wit and art can poffibly devife; they take their M~ta- (m) phors