Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

I . 166 1 1 Firfr, for Examination ofthe ConfCience• . E~ami.nation, Examination is a durie praCl:ifable by all true. .Chriilians, at many times, and uponJundryoc.;: cafions. ~ It is eith_er more cxtraordiharie ;-and that ist· Exrraordina· ! either .in the time of folemne Faft~ and' generall rie. , j humiliation, for f0me publike Plague and cala~ in time of · mitte rbat Iyes upon the State or-Church. Wee · publike E:.a!a· are thenfcrioufiy to.fearch .and-ranfacke throlilghnuitie. ly our Confciences, that wee may throw that or thofe finnes out of our affe61:ions, p-raCt:ife, and aUow,ance,which have their part inpullingdowne. thofe publike Plagu(js upon,us.. . 2 · Or, fecondly, when our family is fingled out, :i~ie:; :: ;~G- and vifitedwith forne fpeciall and extraordinarie ud·with tome · fcourge,and judgement:: and thenmufi: we make. fi;>eciatl j(ldge· , an impartiall inq!Jifition into our hearts; left we ment. \ be the Achans, which by our fecretJinnes ·provoke 1 Gods caufefull wrath. ' l l Or, when our felves in a more private and par– Whenweeour-' ticular manner, .are afflicted with fome fpeciall felves .are. ;~f. i • b r. J d· d . {i • , . aiacd in rar.. , vexa_non ~ as 1 y 10mema a · te an · ~u ene 1~ our ~cu-lar. \ bodtes,vr 1th fome terro-rs and feares mour mmds, , ~- J or with fome ilanders)difgraces,and imputations ." · I upon our good names : whenGods hand is upon . usanyof the{e wayes, w-ee are prefently to con- ' 'ceive,that the finnes ofour foules are the true cau– fes of all the miferies and crolfe~ wh'ich ·befall us: ~my manner of wayes; and therefore wee are na-r.-. rowlyand exaGl:ly to enquire into our felves, and- . to ca!loutour fecret beloved finnes,thofe lutking-- . I reb~ls_,the breeders of,all ourwoeo . ' · Bdides~. .. '