Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

_17_8_\ _ 'The Saints ft_u_re_· ___ be underftood r.ot what he read , yet becaufe1-1e bad a minde tolearne,how the Lord provided for him, andwhat a comfortable fuccefi"'e Philips Ser– ::u&rd1ad-with him ~- Men love to teach willing fchollers; fodoth God, when we come wit-hwil- ,.. I lingand readie mindes to be taught., ' , · Secondly, exercife your [elves in.the truth of God, Heb.) .la-fi; you mull by continuall ufe,get - your fences exercifed to difcerne both good and evill: but efpecially,be well ac.quainted with the _princlplc.s andgr<;>unds ofCarechifme ;·it is the wantt>fthis,that makes men.that they underfl:and not what is preached': They that are no-t firfi well nouriilied with Milke,will not befit toreceive and digeft fl:ronger.ineat: if the foundation be no~ welllayd, ~t is in vaine to-build'~ - . Thirdly, walke.according to Light; Pf.d.rr t. I.o.•Agsoa.underjlandingha~ea!Jthe __v, Jqehif Com– WJI+ndement.s :. Then, if thou wouldefl: ge~ a good underll:andin.g, and know the myfierie of godli– neffe,walke according to-knoWrledge, imploy that littleknowledge -thou hall: well, aucl thenthere is a_promife to giv~ thee more. . fourthly, bediligent in 'inilrucHngand'·tea:.. cbing thy family. : If thou art fet over others, a little knowledge wili encreafe greatly, by this meanes., Gen. 18. 17; 19. the Lord faid; ShAH\I hideanythingfromAbrttham? No: And hee giVes this reafon; I /:now him, ~hat hewi!lcommand-hi; chil– drenandhuhoufoho~ after him,and they ff;aUkeepe tht W4J of the Lord. Ifyou teach yo11tr families-, God · wilLteach you•. WeiJ. , _.